Thursday, April 1, 2010

The second post that I read from Ms. Carnevale was on 02/24/10. This posting was what she calls Website Wednesday. She listed five different sited on this posting. The first was a site called Schoolhouse Rock, I loved this site, it was old school music videos on just about every topic you would need in teaching elementary students. They list the lyrics for you so you can teach them to your students. The next site she mention was Harvey's Homepage. This site is for all you math lovers. This site offers a variety of different math lessons for teacher to download.
The next site was my favorite The Science Zone. The Science Zone offer interactive science activities and games for students. It offers a wide range of topics. This next site is for all the book lovers. The site is called 180 Alternatives to Book Reports and it gives some creative ways to get the students to show what they read. Last but not least she tells us about Magic Studios. Magic Studios is a Free website that allows to create interactive websites for your students, without knowing any special programming skills. You can make online quizzes that provide feedback when the correct or incorrect answer is selected. It even offers a library that you can browse to view a variety of resources others have created.

The third post I read was posted on March 5th and was entitled Tech Stars. Ms. Carnevale setup a wiki project that included third graders, fourth graders and fifth graders from across the country to collaborate on writing and illustrating a story. She had enough class who signed up to participate in the project she divided them into two groups. The goal behind the project was to have the students improve their writing skills while utlizing twenty-frist century technology. A side beifit is the students get to learn about new regions by reading about the areas where each partictate class is located, each class got it's own wiki page where they described their home city. The stories are very cute, the students are doing a great job. If you want to check the stories out I has included the links below.
Write On Intro

Group One Story Group Two Story

I really like this site, Ms. Carnevale does an excellent job of helping the teachers and the student in her area to use technology in the classroom and with is blog she is also helping teachers across the world as well. I know I already commented on three of her post, but I wanted to mention something she posted on 3/15/2010. She entitled it Can you wipe your feet online? she reminds everyone that anytime you put anything online it stays there, and anyone can google you and fine it. She brought up a good point in that more and more employers are googling applicants before hiring them to see how they are presenting them selves to others online. She shares a cute video, you can watch it below. Thank You, Ms. Carnevale for sharing.

1 comment:

  1. Jamie, What assignment is this? I did not see this teacher's name in your Comment for Teachers listing. Please put titles on your blog post. Thanks.
